- January 1, 2025 Appeal of the Politburo of Japan Revolutionary Communist League National Committee (JRCL-NC)
- The 9th Congress of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League The Second Report: The US-Japanese Imperialist War of Aggression on China and the Task of Revolutionary Communists
- January 1 Appeal of the Politburo of Japan Revolutionary Communist League National Committee (JRCL-NC)
- Rise up against war! Organize November 19 Rally!
- Crush G7 Hiroshima Summit by all-out uprising, succeeding the victory of the Suginami ward election!
- New Year's Appeal of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (January 1, 2023)
- Appeal on the Shooting of Shinzo Abe on July 8
- Stop War on China! Stop World War!
- Stop Constitutional Revision and Nuclear Armament!
- Report and Statement on Zengakuren's September Struggle against the War Legislation of the Abe administration