
  1. English November 2 National Workers' Rally hit neo-liberal offensives
  2. English Appeal of JRCL to the Working Class of the World
  3. English International World Teachers Day in Tokyo and Osaka
  4. Korean 세계금융대공황의 폭발 - 세계혁명정세의 성숙에 즈음하여 전세계의 노동자계급에 호소한다 노동자계급 자기해방의 사상인 마르크스주의를 이제 전면적으로 되찾아서 투쟁하자
  5. English Rally on August 15: "We can change the whole world when we are united."
  6. English Militant demonstration in Nagasaki on August 9: Presence of Prime Minister Fukuda at remembrance ceremony condemned
  7. English Anti-war/Anti-nuke Rally in Nagasaki on August 8 very successful with Arlene Inouye
  8. English August 6 Hiroshima Great Action sends a message of "Unity of Workers" to the world
  9. English We denounce the court decision of extension of detention! Release immediately 8 comrades arrested in June 29 demonstration in Shibuya against G8 Summit
  10. English June 29 Shibuya demonstration broke up police guard for G8 Summit
  11. English Fight back against G8-Summit of war and poverty! Workers of the World, Unite!