January 1, 2025 Appeal of the Politburo of Japan Revolutionary Communist League National Committee (JRCL-NC)
January 1, 2025 Appeal of the Politburo ...
The 9th Congress of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League The Second Report: The US-Japanese Imperialist War of Aggression on China and the Task of Revolutionary Communists
革共同第9回全国大会を開催 第2報告 米日帝の中国侵略戦争と革命的共産主義者の任...
January 1 Appeal of the Politburo of Japan Revolutionary Communist League National Committee (JRCL-NC)
January 1 Appeal of the Politburo of Ja...
혁명적공산주의자동맹 하계어필 전쟁반대투쟁 폭발시켜 11.19전국노동자총궐기집회에 나아가자
Rise up against war! Organize November 19 Rally!
Rise up against war! Organize November ...
Crush G7 Hiroshima Summit by all-out uprising, succeeding the victory of the Suginami ward election!
Crush G7 Hiroshima Summit by all-out upr...
New Year's Appeal of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (January 1, 2023)
New Year's Appeal of the Japan Revoluti...
Appeal on the Shooting of Shinzo Abe on July 8
Appeal on the Shooting of Shinzo Abe on...
Stop War on China! Stop World War!
> Anti-war Grand March in Tokyo on Ma...
Stop Constitutional Revision and Nuclear Armament!
Stop Constitutional Revision and Nuclear...