
  1. Appeal to the people of the Middle East, Europe and all over the world
  2. Stop all nuclear power plants immediately! Urgent Appeal
  3. New Year's Appeal of JRCL/Politburo
  4. "Violence Punishment Law" crushed. A Stunning Victory Against the May 27 Repression on the National Railway Workers
  5. A Short History of Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee (JRCL-NC)
  6. Draft Program of JRCL is the Manifesto of the Communist Party of today
  7. Crush Kakumaru=Matsuzaki's Rehabilitation Efforts!
  8. Draft Program of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee
  9. Appeal to June 14 and 15 Rallies from detention
  10. June 14 and 15 successive struggle powerfully carried out in Tokyo by 2100 workers and students