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November 12, 200910:40 AM

Draft Program of JRCL is the Manifesto of the Communist Party of today

Draft Program of JRCL is the Manifesto of the Communist Party of today

(Zenshin organ paper of JRCL-NC, No.2412 October 19, 2009)

50 Years’ of Revolutionary Communist Movement

Time of a Great Leap Forward

Turn the global economic crisis into proletarian world revolution under the banner of Anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism!

In September 1959, the editorial of the Zenshin (“Forwards”), organ paper of JRCL-National Committee, published a historical appeal, “Join us, National Committee of JRCL, under the banner of ‘Anti-Imperialism, anti-Stalinism’” by the name of late comrade HONDA Nobuyoshi, the founder of JRCL. In autumn 2009, 50 years after that, JRCL adopted the Draft Program at the 25th (Enlarged) National Committee Meeting and openly declared that the Revolutionary Communist movement has entered a new stage. With this Draft Program of JRCL in our hands, let’s march forward for the proletarian world revolution.

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October 26, 2009 4:43 PM

Draft Program of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee

Draft Program of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee

(Korean) (Japanese

[I] Our purpose (1) ~ (3)

[II] Revolutionary situation is ripe (4) ~ (5)

[III] The core problems of revolution (6) ~ (8)

[IV] The Task of 21st Century Revolution (9) ~ (14)

[I] Our purpose

(1) The emancipation of the working class must be conquered by the workers themselves. It is achieved by an overall overthrowing of capitalist society. The emancipation of the working class from class rule means at the same time emancipation of people from all kinds of oppression and discrimination under class society, that is, a universal emancipation of human beings.

Working class can not live without being a wage slave of capital in capitalist society in which it is deprived of all means of production and of living though it runs the production and in fact a master of the society. In capitalist society, labor, the most fundamental activity of human being, is reduced to means of self-increase of capital and workers are treated not as human being but as a labor power commodity. Proletarian revolution is a historical deed of reorganizing the whole structure of society by united workers who, overthrowing capitalist class, crushing bourgeois state power, establishing proletarian dictatorship and taking back all social means of production from the bourgeoisie who possesses it as private property. It abolishes the relationship of wage labor and capital and at the same time puts an end to oppression and exploitation of one class by the other class, overcome social division into classes and regain genuine community to the human being.

The only purpose of the Revolutionary Communist League is to fight an overall struggle for the complete victory of self-emancipation of working class. Achievement of complete defeat of capitalism=imperialism, accomplishment of proletarian world revolution, abolition of class society and construction of a genuine human community, that is, communist society.

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